Cards Against Improvisation

A horrible game for spontaneous actors

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Last year, at the 4th Finland International Improv Festival, we (the improvisers) played Cards Against Humanity in the hostel kitchen. This left me thinking: what if there was a niche version of that awfully great game for improvisers? I Googled around and did not find any, so the logical thing to do was to create my own.

The idea came to me a day before I was scheduled to travel to the 5th FIIF. I thought it would make a cool gift to Trent, the organizer of the festival, who could (hopefully) put it to good use both during the festival and afterwards.

I had previously created a custom CAH deck for developers, whch turned out to be a great success (my colleagues loved it), so the process was familiar. I spent the day writing down card ideas, buying paper, printing, cutting and laminating the cards. At around 9pm, my girlfriend came to my aid and we cut and laminated together. I printed the label and a sheet with rules. We packed everything neatly into a beautiful black box. At 1am, we were done.

Now, the game had not been playtested at all due to lack of opportunity and time. Some cards will probably need to be re-worded or removed, additional cards should be added. There are a total of 50 questions and ~120 possible answers. The answer catalog really needs more cards.

That being said, we did manage to complete it and it looks pretty.

Cards Against Improvisation

Cards Against Improvisation

Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation Cards Against Improvisation

Future Ideas

  • playtest, a lot
  • add more cards
  • remove “bad” cards
  • have the cards printed and laminated by a professional print-shop
  • use a larger form-factor for the cards


  • The card list is available from GitHub
  • The cards can be previewed and printed from CardCast
  • PDF-s of the cards are available for download: small and large

Cards Against Improvisers is based on the game Cards Against Humanity, to which I have no affiliation to. The game idea is theirs and licensed under Creative Commons.